
Have fun with social video marketing!

Content marketing has been a buzz word now for a while – not that the concept in itself is new, but marketers have started to rediscover the value of bringing true, good content to their audiences.

Content marketing is any marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers. This information can be presented in a variety of formats, including news, video, white papers, e-books, infographics, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer articles, photos, etc” [Wikipedia, May 28, 2014] (more…)

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I am happy to announce that I’ve just launched my first e-commerce site:!

It all revolves around the awesome Selfie Stick that I’ve spotted people running around with in Tokyo and Seoul. Why shouldn’t we be taking equally great selfies in Europe? With a Selfie Stick, you can expand your smartphone up to 109cm in front of you, ensuring that you capture more of your surroundings in the picture. It’s also great for experimenting with bird’s eye view and low angle views when taking a photo. (more…)

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Social trafik ökar och ökar i betydelse!

Vikten av sociala medier ökar allt mer – och det inte bara för att bygga en engagerande målgrupp på en Facebooksida eller via ett Twitterkonto – utan även för att driva trafik till den egna sidan. Enligt en studie gjort av Shareoholic, där trafikkällor till webbplatser jämförts under ett år, visar det sig att rent sök (dvs organiskt sök) minskar, medan sociala hänvisningar har dubblerats. Än så länge är traditionellt sök fortfarande viktigare, men trenden pekar tydligt mot att sociala hänvisningar växer allt mer i betydelse.

Läs från The Next Web: Report: Over the past year, search traffic has dropped while social traffic more than doubled (more…)

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