In today’s society we are connected and communicating at all times. From the moment we wake up, before even getting out of bed, we start by checking our smartphones. And the day goes on the same – we are connected. We talk with people and people talk with us. On the train, at work, during lunch, going out, at home. In fact, it is claimed that we check our phones 150 times a day. That’s unlocking your phone every 7 minutes on average when awake.
Social Media

“Building your personal brand with the perfect photo”
Yesterday I published a column in Resumé, the Swedish leading industry news site about Advertisement, PR and Digital, about the era of Selfies and Usies, as well as the rise of the Selfie Stick [in Swedish]:
“Vi lever i en tid där både politiker och religiösa ledare, kändisar och astronauter, gamla skolkamrater och kollegor, alla dyker upp på selfies och usies över hela nätet. En tid där selfie-brödrosten från Vermont presenteras på marknaden och vi plötsligt kan rosta oss själva på frukostmackan. (more…)

Visual news in social
The past few days have brought us some interesting new updates in the social media landscape, bringing us farther along on our visual social journey. Instagram released new photo editing tools for their app; and a few days later Instagram ads were rolled out internationally. LinkedIn brought us a new, more visual profile design. And Facebook released Slingshot, competing with ever so popular app Snapchat. (more…)

Have fun with social video marketing!
Content marketing has been a buzz word now for a while – not that the concept in itself is new, but marketers have started to rediscover the value of bringing true, good content to their audiences.
“Content marketing is any marketing format that involves the creation and sharing of media and publishing content in order to acquire customers. This information can be presented in a variety of formats, including news, video, white papers, e-books, infographics, case studies, how-to guides, question and answer articles, photos, etc” [Wikipedia, May 28, 2014] (more…)