The importance of influencer marketing, working with external influential profiles in social media and on the web, has become a widely used strategy for marketing departments looking to build their brand online. A lot of effort is put into identifying and working with the right blogger, YouTube-profile or other digital star that can help your brand reach and engage new target groups. What a lot of companies tend to forget however, is that the best ambassadors are usually hidden within a company’s own four walls; and are also known as employees.
Video: Become your Own Brand Influencer
From the Digitalx2 workshop I gave together with Ulrike Schulz at Google Campus London in November. For upcoming talks in London, visit:

Why you should do more public speaking
Next month, Ulrike Schulz and I are giving our first joint talk at Campus London on How to become your own brand influencer. It will be a workshop on how to build yourself and your personal brand in a way that it also helps build your company, or the company you are working for. Because you, and the people in your team, are your company’s heart and soul. And if people like you, they will also like your brand.

Why everyone needs to learn how to code
I just spent one week in Barcelona together with 100 other Swedish ladies learning how to code, as part of the coding camp initiative Tjejer Kodar. I attended the “How to become a hackathon pro” course and my focus for the week was on understanding the basics of Python and learning how to gather and visualize data from different APIs. Others learnt everything from the basics of web development and hardware development to how to build games in React and C#.

Hackathons – solve a challenge by bringing different perspectives together
A hackathon is when you bring a group of people with different perspectives together to work with and innovate around a given challenge during a limited time. Traditionally, hackathons have been used to describe an event where developers and programmers are brought together to work on developing prototypes. Today, the event form can be used to bring together all kinds of professionals to work in groups with others that have a different background and skill set, to come up with new angles on a given challenge through interdisciplinary collaboration.