
Citizen journalism – a case study

Yesterday evening, I was about to head home from Stockholm to London, when terminal 2 at Arlanda Airport was evacuated due to what turned out to be a small fire in one of the cafeterias that set of a fire alarm. Everyone had to leave the terminal and wait outside the building for a rough two hours, resulting in several delays.

During this wait, I decided to post a tweet on what was happening, with the hashtag #Arlanda.


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How Snapchat and Messaging Apps are making social exclusive

You are sitting across from your best friend at the dinner table. Talking about anything and everything. Laughing about old memories and discussing the week’s happenings at work. The next morning you will remember a summary of what was said – the essence of the conversations and the most important parts; not every single world. Real life conversations happen right there and then, in the moment.


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No more rush hour. The work day is changing.

The old rule of work was nine to five and a morning commute to the office everyday. The new work day is anywhere and any time. Fast Company contributor Jay Cassano poses an interesting question: “Does The New York Subway Know The 9 To 5 Is Dead?“. New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority is having problems planning the train schedule because people have started traveling outside the traditional morning and evening commutes. Ross Perlin, also for Fast Company, takes the discussion further in her article “These Are The New Rules of Work“. The digital era is changing how, when and even where we work – making both employers and employees more flexible, and maybe forever allowing us to bid farewell to rush hour?


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