I’m proud to be one of the speakers at Nordic eCommerce Summit on Thursday November 6th in Malmö Arena in Malmö Sweden. I’ll be covering the social media aspects of eCommerce, through highlighting examples and trends from the eCommerce field in Japan. How companies are combining traditional web shops with online communities, mobile apps (with functions other then buy and sell), global marketplaces as well as different crowd funding activities. I will also be speaking about the selfie stick, and how one can identify a trend from somewhere in the world and introduce it to another market.

Introducing Selfiestick.org!
I am happy to announce that I’ve just launched my first e-commerce site: Selfiestick.org!
It all revolves around the awesome Selfie Stick that I’ve spotted people running around with in Tokyo and Seoul. Why shouldn’t we be taking equally great selfies in Europe? With a Selfie Stick, you can expand your smartphone up to 109cm in front of you, ensuring that you capture more of your surroundings in the picture. It’s also great for experimenting with bird’s eye view and low angle views when taking a photo. (more…)